Monday, March 30, 2015

Làm thế nào để thiết lập PPTP VPN trên Android 4 Samsung SPH-D710 Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch

Làm thế nào để thiết lập PPTP VPN trên Android 4 Samsung SPH-D710 Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch

Làm thế nào để thiết lập PPTP VPN trên Android 4 Samsung SPH-D710 Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch
Làm thế nào để thiết lập PPTP VPN trên Android 4 Samsung SPH-D710 Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch

Lm thế no để thiết lập PPTP trn Android 4 Ice-cream Sandwich
Android 4, hay cn gọi l Ice-cream sandwich, l một phin bản th vị như vậy m cho php bạn cấu hnh VPN v sử dụng Internet trong hon ton ẩn danh m khng phức tạp.
1. Tm tới ci đặt
2. Chọn "Khc"
3. Chọn "VPN". Ńu bạn khng thực hịn được, c th̉ bạn c̀n phải thít ḷp ṃt m PIN do v́n đ̀ an ninh.
4. Chọn "Thm ću hnh VPN"

5. By giờ bạn c̀n nḥp cc dữ lịu my chủ VPN
- Tn: B́t cứ đìu g bạn thch
- Loại: PPTP
- Địa chỉ my chủ: My chủ b́t kỳ từ danh sch "My chủ PPTP" trong bảng đìu khỉn VPN
6. Chọn m ha PPP (MPPE) v nh́n vo nt "Lưu"
- Lưu : Ńu bạn khng th̉ ḱt ńi hy thử bỏ chọn "M ha PPP (MPPE)" v nh́n nt "Lưu"
7. By giờ bạn sẽ th́y cc ḱt ńi mới. B́m vo n
8. By giờ nḥp cc chi tít đăng nḥp của bạn:
- Tn truy c̣p: tn ti khoản vpn của bạn
- Ṃt kh̉u: ṃt kh̉u PPTP của bạn
(Lưu , đy khng phải ṃt kh̉u ti khoản của bạn!
C được ṃt kh̉u PPTP từ trang chủ)
Chọn "Lưu thng tin ti khoản" v b́m "Ḱt ńi"

VPN Traffic-1 cho , My chủ trn 35 quốc gia, Nhanh v ổn định
VPN traffic - tất cả trong 1 cho android, bỏ qua hết cc giới hạn khi bạn truy cập internet, bỏ qua giới hạn về vị tr địa l, chọn một server để kết nối, c server vpn rộng khăp ở hơn 35 quốc gia. Hỗ trợ pptp v l2tp/ipsec.

Nếu bạn cần bỏ qua cc hạn chế để c thể truy cập vo Facebook, Twitter v cc trang khc?
Nếu bạn cần đổi địa chỉ ip của bạn?
Nếu bạn cần xem BBC iPlayer từ bất kỳ nơi no trn thế giới?
Nếu bạn cần xem Netflix từ bn ngoi nước Mỹ?

Cc tnh năng của chương trnh Vpn Traffic cho :
-1 thao tc đơn giản để kết nối đến my chủ VPN, miễn ph ci đặt
-Lưu tn đăng nhập/mật khẩu, chỉ cần thao tc chọn vị tr my chủ để kết nối.
-Khng giới hạn băng thng.
-M ha dữ liệu của bạn khi truyền trn internet
-Gỡ bỏ hết cc giới hạn truy nhập tạo ra do Chnh Phủ hay do Cng ty bạn. Bỏ qua giới hạn vị tr địa l.
-Khng giới hạn chuyển đổi giữa cc VPN server ở cc nước khc nhau (Hơn 35 quốc gia trn thế giới)
-Hỗ trợ pptp v l2tp/ipsec
-Lm việc tốt với kết nối wifi, 3G, GSM v tất cả cc nh cung cấp dịch vụ di động.

VPN server khắp nơi trn thế giới
- Europe Chu u:UK,France,Germany,Sweden,Russia,Spain,Switzerland,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Denmark,Belgium

- America Chu Mỹ: USA,Canada,Mexico,Colombia,Argentina,Brazil

- Asia Chu : China,India,Japan,United Arab Emirates,Malaysia,Singapore,Korea,Turkey,Indonesia,Thailand,Philippines,Hong Kong,Vietnam,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait

- Other Khc :Australia

VpnTraffic - Gỡ bỏ việc chặn Internet của bạn,truy cập Skype,VOIP,cc knh truyền hnh v video trực tuyến như Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer. Vượt qua những ngăn chặn dựa trn địa chỉ truy cập. My chủ VNP trn ton thế giới với hơn 40 nước. Hỗ trợ PPTP v L2TP/IPSec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fernsehen und Live Streams aus Neuseeland mit IP Adresse aus Neuseeland ansehen

Fernsehen und Live Streams aus Neuseeland mit IP Adresse aus Neuseeland ansehen

Fernsehen und Live Streams aus Neuseeland mit IP Adresse aus Neuseeland ansehen
Sie können die Sendungen Neuseeland Fernsehsender auch einfach in anderen Ländern ansehen, wenn Sie eine IP-Adresse eines der oben abgebildeten VPN-Anbieter nutzen. Dadurch umgehen Sie, dass Ihnen die Sendung wegen einer ausländischen IP-Adresse verweigert wird.Dass Sie nicht im Lande sind, können die Computer der Fernsehsender dank der VPN-Verbindung unmöglich herausfinden. Ebenso auf weitere Dienste wie Internetradio aus Argentinien oder Telefonate über das Internet können Sie durch eine VPN-Verbindung der auf dieser Seite abgebildeten VPN-Services bequem zugreifen.

YouTube sperrt stndig neue Videos

Auf dem Videoportal YouTube werden immer mehr Videos fr Nutzer gesperrt. In Deutschland betrifft das vorrangig Videos die Musik enthlt auf die die Verwertungsgesellschaft GEMA Lizenzzahlungen erheben mchte. Sie sehen dann statt des Videos die Meldung: "Dieses Video ist in Ihrem Land leider nicht verfgbar".
vpntraffic Video-IP befreit Sie von der Lndersperre
Die Sperrungen betreffen in der Regel nur einzelne Lnder. Ein Video was in Deutschland gesperrt ist, knnen Sie zum Beispiel in den USA oder Japan ohne Einschrnkungen ansehen. SaferSurf stellt Ihnen internationale IP-Adresse zur Verfgung und durchbricht damit die Lndersperre bei YouTube.
Unblock-Stick gibt gesperrte Web-Seiten frei
Mit dem Unblock-Stick umgehen Sie Firewalls und andere Netzsperren, ohne dass Sie administrative Berechtigungen bentigen. Entsperren Sie Internet-Seiten am Arbeitsplatz und surfen Sie in Intenetcafs, in Hotels oder auf Flughfen an Internet-Sperren vorbei. Der Unblock-Stick funktioniert auch an fremden Rechnern. Einzige Voraussetzung zur Nutzung ist eine USB-Schnittstelle.

VpnTraffic - All in one vpn , Verschlsseln sie ihre Internet-IP! Whlen Sie einen Server-Standort aus, VPN Server aus 35 + Lnder weltweit. Untersttzt PPTP und L2TP/IPsec Verbindungen.

Wenn Sie die Entsperrung aller Websites wie Facebook, Twitter und mehr brauchen?

Wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ndern wollen?

Wenn Sie BBC iPlayer von berall auf der Welt sehen mchten?

Wenn Sie Netflix Auerhalb der USA beobachten wollen?

VpnTraffic fr Features:

- 1 Anwendung um auf unsere VPN-Server zu verbinden, gratis Installation!

- Speichern Sie Username / Passwort, sie brauchen nur einen Server auswhlen um zu verbinden

- Keine Bandbreitenbeschrnkungen

- Verschlsselt Ihren Internet-Verkehr

- Entsperren sie Staatsverschlsselungen.

- Wechseln sie unbegrenzt zwischen den VPN Server (35 + Lnder auf der ganzen Welt)

- Untersttzt PPTP und L2TP

- Arbeitet mit Wi-Fi, 3G, GSM, und alle mobilen Datentrgern

VPN-Server auf der Welt:

- Europa: UK, Frankreich, Deutschland, Schweden, Russland, Spanien, Schweiz, Italien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Dnemark, Belgien, Tschechien, Polen, Rumnien

- Amerika: USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Kolumbien, Argentinien, Brasilien

- Asien: China, Indien, Japan, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Malaysia, Singapur, Korea, Trkei, Indonesien, Thailand, Philippinen, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi-Arabien, Kuwait

- Sonstige: Australien

Nicht nur fr Android App, VpnTraffic untersttzt auch anderer Betriebsysteme. Sichern Sie VpnTraffic fr ihren PC oder MAC.

Wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ndern wollen. VpnTraffic - Unblock Ihre Internet-, Access Skype, VOIP, TV und Streaming-Videos wie Hulu, Netflix, BBC iPlayer. Blcken! 40 + Lnder VPN-Server worldwide. Voll Support PPTP und L2TP/IPsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Saturday, March 28, 2015

làm thế nào để bạn thay đổi địa chỉ ip từ ip Ai Cập

làm thế nào để bạn thay đổi địa chỉ ip từ ip Ai Cập

làm thế nào để bạn thay đổi địa chỉ ip từ ip Ai Cập
làm thế nào để bạn thay đổi địa chỉ ip từ ip Ai Cập

Mạng ring ảo hay VPN (viết tắt cho Virtual Private Network) l một mạng dnh ring để kết nối cc my tnh của cc cng ty, tập đon hay cc tổ chức với nhau thng qua mạng Internet cng cộng.

Một VPN l một mạng bao gồm cc my tnh được kết nối với nhau ngay cả khi chng nằm ở những vị tr địa l cch xa nhau, hoặc khi chng sử dụng cc phương php kết nối mạng khc nhau. Lợi ch lớn nhất của VPN đ l tất cả kết nối giữa cc my tnh đều được m ha v c độ an ton cao. Một lợi ch nữa đ l cc my tnh trong VPN c thể giao tiếp với nhau một cch hiệu quả, giống như khi chng cng được kết nối với một router vậy. Nếu kh hiểu, bạn hy tưởng tượng rằng hai my tnh được kết nối với nhau bởi một ci ống nước, v những g chạy trong ci ống ny sẽ khng thể thot ra ngoi. Chỉ c hai my chơi với nhau m thi.
Nếu bạn khng quan tm lắm đến vấn đề bảo mật, bạn c thể thu hoặc dng cc dịch vụ VPN, nhưng tại sao chng ta lại phải ph tiền cho những cng ty khc trong khi bạn c thể tự xy dựng ring một VPN cho mnh? Việc ny rất dễ dng, v khi đ c một VPN của ring mnh, bạn c thể lm nhiều thứ, từ lướt web, chia sẻ tập tin nhạc, hnh ảnh giữa cc my cho đến việc chơi game với bạn b m khng cần phải ngồi chung trong một căn phng. Thật tuyệt vời!
VPN Traffic-1 cho , My chủ trn 35 quốc gia, Nhanh v ổn định
VPN traffic - tất cả trong 1 cho android, bỏ qua hết cc giới hạn khi bạn truy cập internet, bỏ qua giới hạn về vị tr địa l, chọn một server để kết nối, c server vpn rộng khăp ở hơn 35 quốc gia. Hỗ trợ pptp v l2tp/ipsec.

Nếu bạn cần bỏ qua cc hạn chế để c thể truy cập vo Facebook, Twitter v cc trang khc?
Nếu bạn cần đổi địa chỉ ip của bạn?
Nếu bạn cần xem BBC iPlayer từ bất kỳ nơi no trn thế giới?
Nếu bạn cần xem Netflix từ bn ngoi nước Mỹ?

Cc tnh năng của chương trnh Vpn Traffic cho :
-1 thao tc đơn giản để kết nối đến my chủ VPN, miễn ph ci đặt
-Lưu tn đăng nhập/mật khẩu, chỉ cần thao tc chọn vị tr my chủ để kết nối.
-Khng giới hạn băng thng.
-M ha dữ liệu của bạn khi truyền trn internet
-Gỡ bỏ hết cc giới hạn truy nhập tạo ra do Chnh Phủ hay do Cng ty bạn. Bỏ qua giới hạn vị tr địa l.
-Khng giới hạn chuyển đổi giữa cc VPN server ở cc nước khc nhau (Hơn 35 quốc gia trn thế giới)
-Hỗ trợ pptp v l2tp/ipsec
-Lm việc tốt với kết nối wifi, 3G, GSM v tất cả cc nh cung cấp dịch vụ di động.

VPN server khắp nơi trn thế giới
- Europe Chu u:UK,France,Germany,Sweden,Russia,Spain,Switzerland,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Denmark,Belgium

- America Chu Mỹ: USA,Canada,Mexico,Colombia,Argentina,Brazil

- Asia Chu : China,India,Japan,United Arab Emirates,Malaysia,Singapore,Korea,Turkey,Indonesia,Thailand,Philippines,Hong Kong,Vietnam,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait

- Other Khc :Australia

VpnTraffic - Gỡ bỏ việc chặn Internet của bạn,truy cập Skype,VOIP,cc knh truyền hnh v video trực tuyến như Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer. Vượt qua những ngăn chặn dựa trn địa chỉ truy cập. My chủ VNP trn ton thế giới với hơn 40 nước. Hỗ trợ PPTP v L2TP/IPSec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Friday, March 27, 2015

How to watch italian satellite TV Rai 2 aboard on PC ipad iphone android phone!

How to watch italian satellite TV Rai 2 aboard on PC ipad iphone android phone!

How to watch italian satellite TV Rai 2 aboard on PC ipad iphone android phone!
How to watch italian satellite TV Rai 2 aboard on PC ipad iphone android phone!

Maybe youre a citizen of the italy whos moved abroad and you miss keeping up with your favorite television shows-or maybe youre just an American who is curious what TV in another country is like.

Whatever the reason, if youve ever tried to go to a streaming TV website such as iPlayer, iTV, Hulu or Netflix and youre in a different country, youre greeted with a message telling you that due to restrictions they cant let you watch anything. Bummer!
How does it know that? Whats happening is that the website looks at your public IP address and uses it to determine your location. Watch TV on websites which restrict IPs,ou can now watch tv series outside of the italy.
The solution to this problem is to use what is called a VPN. Using our newItaly VPNserver we can help you traveling abroad to watch their favorite TV shows.

VpnTraffic - All in one-tap vpn , libera la tua Internet, aggira i blocchi legati al tuo paese!Scegli un server a cui connetterti tra 35+ paesi nel mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec.
Vuoi accedere a tutti i siti, incluso Facebook, Twitter e altri?
Vuoi navigare con un diverso indirizzo IP?
Vuoi guardare la RAI o SkyGO da qualunque parte nel mondo?
Le caratteristiche di VpnTraffic per Android:
- Connessione "1 tap" al nostro server vpn, setup gratuito!
- Salva username/passwords, devi solo scegliere il server a cui connetterti
- Nessuna limitazione di banda
- Il tuo traffico internet viene criptato
- Aggira blocchi governativi, restrizioni aziendali e quelle legate al paese di accesso
- Cambio di server VPN senza limitazioni (35+ paesi nel mondo)
- Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec
- Funziona con wifi, 3G, GSM e tutti gli operatori

Server VPN disponibili nel mondo:
- Europa:UK, Francia, Germania, Svezia,Russia,Spagna,Svizzera,Italia,Olanda,Norvegia,Danimarca,Belgio,Rep Ceca, Polonia,Romania
- America: USA,Canada,Messico,Columbia, Argentina,Brasile
- Asia: Cina,India,Giappone, Emirati Arabi,Malesia,Singapore, Corea del Sud,Turchia, Indonesia,Tailandia, Filippine, Hong Kong, Vietnam,Israele, Arabia Saudita,Kuwait
- Altri: Australia
Non solo per Android, VpnTraffic supporta altri sistemi operativi, usalo per il tuo PC o Mac.
Che cosa offriamo

Noi assegniamo al vostro computer un Nuovo indirizzo IP da USA,Inghilterra, Germania, Olanda, Irlanda, Singapore, Romania, Svizzera,Malesia, Russia e Svezia. Ridefinisci le regole del tuo firewall,prendi il controllo della tua rete.
Utilizza una connessione SICURA e CIFRATA fra il tuo computer e ilresto della rete Internet. Impedisci a ISP locali di spiarti e dicontrollare la velocit del tuo traffico dati.
I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet. Aggiungonuo un livello di SICUREZZA e ANONIMATO.
Compatibile con Skype e altri software VOIP. Compatibile con Windows,Linux, MAC, iPod, iPhone, Android e Windows Mobile.

※핑 테스트 결과 확인시 time 또는 시간 값이 가장 낮은 서버가 빠른 서버입니다.

vpntraffic - sblocca internet, accesso a skype, voip, canali e streaming come hulu, ecc. Evita i blocchi locali! Server vpn localizzati in tutto il mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, March 26, 2015




蝦米音樂網是一個免費線上聽歌、下載的網站,除了單純的聽歌、下載服務之外,還特別加強了社群分享與討論、歌單..等等,蝦米音樂網裡面除了有分類瀏覽、精選集、網路電台等等常見服務外,還有討論區與各種專題企劃,也提供了 iPhone, Android 等智慧型手機的專用應用程式,裝了之後就有一堆歌曲、專輯可免費聽,免費下載

蝦米也類似有關「酷狗」音樂封鎖中國地區以外的地方 IP。

最近網上流傳一個破解方法,以使用大陸VPN的原理,聲稱可以避過 酷狗蝦米 軟件的 IP address 審查,讓香港用戶都可以利用 iOS 或 Android 的平板電腦,睇到酷狗蝦米 的音樂。

在使用大陸ip之後,可以看到使用pps的前後對比。用大陸VPN方法之後,能真正避過 IP address 審查

VPN適用範圍是windows、MAC OS X、Android手機以及平板、iOS裝置。

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Wednesday, March 25, 2015




進到 設定 / 無線與網路 / VPN,再點新增VPN網路。

選擇「 PPTP 模式」,伺服器IP與帳號、密碼在底下會說明。


接著開啟LINE,並點其它 / 貼圖小舖,在新增頁籤中,就可選擇喜愛的貼圖清單。


哈~這樣就能開始使用囉! 當回到iPhone的時,只要在其它 / 個人 / 購物記錄,就可將貼圖再給,下載回來囉!

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Jak oglądać Showcase za granicą ?

Jak oglądać Showcase za granicą ?

Jak oglądać Showcase za granicą ?
Jedną z najprostszych metod dostępu do Showcase online z poza US (np. z Polski) jest zmiana adresu IP na Amerykański adres IP.

Zdeterminowany aby obejrzeć w godnych warunkach moje ulubione seriale i filmy rozpocząłem ok miesiąc temu testy VPN-a od vpntraffic. Mam nadzieję, że każdy z czytelnikw wie po co używa się w Polsce VPN-a z wyjściem w US/UK jeśli nie to wyjaśnię, że dzięki temu mamy dostęp do zagranicznych serwisw, ktre ograniczone są jeśli chodzi o dostęp do danego kraju czy regionu. Chodzi tutaj przede wszystkim o usługi takie jak Hulu, Netflix i wszelkiego rodzaju serwis z muzyką itp.
Wcześniej dość sporadycznie korzystałem z VPN-nw ale były to usługi darmowe i w związku z tym często nie działające, z wolnym i ograniczonym transferem. Sprbowałem więc usługi płatnej ale za to gwarantującej odpowiednią jakość połączenia

Jeśli chodzi o szybkość i jakość filmw na Netflix to muszę powiedzieć, że nie można tutaj się zbytnio czepiać. Oczywiście odczuwalny jest lekki lag i czasem trzeba chwilę poczekać na załadownie filmu. Jakość transmisji po chwili od strartu filmu jest na poziomie DVD, natomiast czasem dochodzi też do HD (ale nie pytajcie mnie jak jest to HD definiowane w Netflix). Daje nam to pełny komfort jeśli chodzi o oglądanie filmw.
Wczoraj zrobiłem sobie 2 godzinną sesję z Netflixem, przeglądając dostępne seriale i oglądając jeden pełny film. W tym czasie nie miałem żadnych przerw czy też zacięć. W trakcie oglądania film się na tyle zbuforował , że mogłem bezproblemowo go przewijać łącznie z podglądem klatek jaki oferuje ta usługa. Warto też dodać, że pierwszy miesiąc w Netflix jest za darmo więc każdy może sobie dokładnie przetestować czy tego typu usługa mu pasuje.
Przede mną jeszcze sporo testw bo na liście mam do sprawdzenia takie serwisy jak BBC iPlayer, NBC Player, ABC Player, Demmand 5, 4oD, Crackle. Nie wszystkie jednak zachwycają swoją ofertą, natomiast na pewno coś ciekawego można w nich znaleźć.
Wiele krajw takich jak USA, UK czy nawet Polska blokują dostęp do swoich zasobw w Internecie. Jest to tak zwana blokada regionalna. Oznacza to,że z niektrych regionw świata dostęp do zasobw takich jak video, muzyka i inne treści jest nieosiągalny. Otrzymujemy wtedy taki komunika:

Ale jest proste rozwiązanie, aby zapewnić nieprzerwany dostęp do ulubionych seriali, muzyki czy filmw podczas pobytu za granicą. Technologia ta nazywa się VPN i pozwala podłączyć komputer do bezpiecznego serwera za ktrego pomocą będziesz mgł oglądać wybrane przez ciebie programy
Oglądaj ulubione programy telewizyjne, filmy i seriale.
Nie ma znaczenia,że jesteś za granicą.
Nasz VPN zapewnia szyfrowane i bezpieczne połączenie z twojego komputera do jednego z naszych serwerw. Dzięki temu masz możliwość oglądania wybranych przez ciebie programw w USA, Wielkiej Brytanii i Polski z dowolnego miejsca na świecie.Po połączeniu z jednym z naszych serwerw twj komputer będzie widziany jako komputer zlokalizowany w USA, UK lub Polsce.
Specjalnie dla Ciebie przygotowaliśmy instrukcję krok po kroku jak skonfigurować połączenie do naszych serwerw.
Zobacz jakie to proste !

Wszystko w jednym - Jedno kliknięcie i jesteś połączony
VpnTraffic - VPN dla ponad 35 serwerw w rżnych krajach. Szybkie i stabilne połączenie.
VpnTraffic - Wszystko w jednym - Jedno kliknięcie i jesteś połączony, Odblokuj swj internet, omiń blokady IP dla krajw! Wybierz jedną z 35+ lokalizacji servera i połącz się z całym światem uzyskujac adres IP z danego kraju. VPNTraffic wspiera PPTP i L2TP/IPSEC.
Chcesz odblokować wszystkie strony internetowe, włączjąc Facebooka, Twittera lub wiele wiele innych?
Chcesz zmienić swj number IP?
Chcesz oglądać BBC iPlayer z każdego miejsca na świecie?
Chcesz oglądać NetFlix z poza obszaru USA?
Możliwości VPNTraffic dla :
- prosty w obłudze. Wystarczy jedno klikniecie żeby połączyć się z naszym serwerem VPN. Darmowa konfiguracja!
- umożliwia zapisanie użytkownika i hasła, wystarczy tylko wybrać lokalizcję serwera, żeby się połączyć.
- nasza usługa nie posiada limitu pasma. Sufruj po sieci tak szybko jak tylko pozwala na to twj dostawca internetowy.
- możliwość kodowania transmisji internetowej. Stań się anonimowy w sieci.
- umożliwia ominięcie blokady proxy w twojej pracy. Ciesz się nieograniczonym internetem w pracy!
- nielimitowana ilość zmian między lokalizacjami. Łącz się z rżnymi serwerami (w 35+ krajach) jak często tylko chcesz!
- wspiera protokoły PPTP i L2TP/IPSEC
- działa z połączeniami WiFi, 3G, GSM, u wszystkich operatorw komrkowych.
Nasze serwery VPN na świecie:
- EUROPA: UK, Francja, Niemcy, Szwecja, Rosja, Szwajcaria, Włochy, Holandia, Norwegia, Dania, Belgia, Czechy, Polsk, Rumunia
- AMERYKA: USA, Kanada, Meksyk, Kolumbia, Argentyna, Brazylia
- AZJA: Chiny, Indie, Japonia, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Malezja, Singapur, Korea, Turcja, Indonezja, Tajlandia, Filipiny, Hong Kong, Wietnam, Izrael, Arabia Saudyjska, Kuwejt
- INNE: Australia
Moższ rwnież zainstalować naszą aplikację na innych systemach oprcz Androida. Posiadamy aplikację dla PC i Mac.
Uwolnij swj internet!! Stań się anonimowy!! Oglądaj telewizje internetowe w rżnych krajach (BBC, Hulu, CBS, NBC i wiele innych)!!

VpnTraffic - Odblokuj swj internet,dostęp do Skype,VOIP,Kanałw TV i serwisw Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer.Bypass location-based blocks! 40+ Krajw z serwerami vpn na całym świecie,Obsługa pptp i l2tp/ipsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Monday, March 23, 2015




當 TVB 出招阻 HKTV 發牌之際,其實 TVB 本身並沒有放慢手腳:早於一年前跟內地的網絡電視軟件 PPS 合作。
PPS 的網站和軟件,每月大約有1.6 億人使用,TVB 最受歡迎的劇集如《名媛望族》、《大太監》、《雷霆掃毒》,都可以在 PPS 平台免費任睇。
然而,由於 TVB 只將內地的播放版權交予 PPS,所以香港用戶使用 PPS,不能直接看到 TVB 劇集。香港人上網睇港劇,多數用 myTV,但壞處是 my TV 有下架時間,在一段時間之後,便不能再看。

最近網上流傳一個破解方法,以使用大陸VPN的原理,聲稱可以避過 PPS 軟件的 IP address 審查,讓香港用戶都可以利用 iOS 或 Android 的平板電腦,睇到 PPS Apps 的港劇,真真正正不受時間限制,隨時能夠重温劇集。

在使用大陸ip之後,可以看到使用pps的前後對比。用大陸VPN方法之後,能真正避過 IP address 審查

VPN適用範圍是windows、MAC OS X、Android手機以及平板、iOS裝置。

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Sunday, March 22, 2015



《心花放》主演:陶大宇、郭可盈、陳 豪、廖碧兒、向海嵐、秦 沛

當 TVB 出招阻 HKTV 發牌之際,其實 TVB 本身並沒有放慢手腳:早於一年前跟內地的網絡電視軟件 PPS 合作。
PPS 的網站和軟件,每月大約有1.6 億人使用,TVB 最受歡迎的劇集如《名媛望族》、《大太監》、《雷霆掃毒》,都可以在 PPS 平台免費任睇。
然而,由於 TVB 只將內地的播放版權交予 PPS,所以香港用戶使用 PPS,不能直接看到 TVB 劇集。香港人上網睇港劇,多數用 myTV,但壞處是 my TV 有下架時間,在一段時間之後,便不能再看。

最近網上流傳一個破解方法,以使用大陸VPN的原理,聲稱可以避過 PPS 軟件的 IP address 審查,讓香港用戶都可以利用 iOS 或 Android 的平板電腦,睇到 PPS Apps 的港劇,真真正正不受時間限制,隨時能夠重温劇集。

在使用大陸ip之後,可以看到使用pps的前後對比。用大陸VPN方法之後,能真正避過 IP address 審查

VPN適用範圍是windows、MAC OS X、Android手機以及平板、iOS裝置。

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Friday, March 20, 2015

跨區獲得越南限定(VI)免費試用LINE貼圖:¡El noviazgo secreto de Brown & Cony!

跨區獲得越南限定(VI)免費試用LINE貼圖:¡El noviazgo secreto de Brown & Cony!

跨區獲得越南限定(VI)免費試用LINE貼圖:¡El noviazgo secreto de Brown & Cony!
跨區獲得越南限定(VI)免費試用LINE貼圖:¡El noviazgo secreto de Brown & Cony!

進到 設定 / 無線與網路 / VPN,再點新增VPN網路。

選擇「 PPTP 模式」,伺服器IP與帳號、密碼在底下會說明。


接著開啟LINE,並點其它 / 貼圖小舖,在新增頁籤中,就可選擇喜愛的貼圖清單。


哈~這樣就能開始使用囉! 當回到iPhone的時,只要在其它 / 個人 / 購物記錄,就可將貼圖再給,下載回來囉!

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, March 19, 2015

跨區獲得免費試用LINE貼圖:Kero Kero Keroppi

跨區獲得免費試用LINE貼圖:Kero Kero Keroppi

跨區獲得免費試用LINE貼圖:Kero Kero Keroppi
跨區獲得免費試用LINE貼圖:Kero Kero Keroppi

進到 設定 / 無線與網路 / VPN,再點新增VPN網路。

選擇「 PPTP 模式」,伺服器IP與帳號、密碼在底下會說明。


接著開啟LINE,並點其它 / 貼圖小舖,在新增頁籤中,就可選擇喜愛的貼圖清單。


哈~這樣就能開始使用囉! 當回到iPhone的時,只要在其它 / 個人 / 購物記錄,就可將貼圖再給,下載回來囉!

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to download Thailand free line stickers Rakyim and the Gang

How to download Thailand free line stickers Rakyim and the Gang

How to download Thailand free line stickers Rakyim and the Gang
How to download Thailand free line stickers Rakyim and the Gang

LINE messenger users for iPhone and Android may aware that they cant access to restriction regions download free LINE stickers since 1/3/2013, LINE users found that its will bring back to their original region and cant download free stickers even through go to download page, all the LINE sticker hacks not working anymore after Naver having bugs fixes.
Recently the trick of getting free Naver LINE sticker is using VPN (virtual private network) or proxy, below is the tutorial how to download free LINE sticker from Japan by using VPN Japan since LINE Japan provided lot of free stickers compare with other regions.
Download LINE Stickers With VPN
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
Then clear LINE data and force stop it running on background.Now LINE app need update to latest version. Here i would like using Android phone as example.

Go to setting > wireless & networks > VPN > add VPN network.

Turn on airplane mode then tab on saved VPN network, key in VPN username and password that applied from, tab on connect.

To use VPN on iPad, you need to configure VPN first. Here is the tip on how to setup.
Configure VPN
Tap Settings > General > Network > VPN > Add VPN Configuration. Then use the VPN settings for your device.

Now start up LINE app and login with email address after Japan VPN connected successful. Go To More > Stickers shop, tab on New or Event tab, now we can select free LINE stickers from Japan region and download it.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Monday, March 16, 2015

How to download Japan free line stickers LINE MANGA:Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

How to download Japan free line stickers LINE MANGA:Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

How to download Japan free line stickers LINE MANGA:Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
How to download Japan free line stickers LINE MANGA:Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

LINE messenger users for iPhone and Android may aware that they cant access to restriction regions download free LINE stickers since 1/3/2013, LINE users found that its will bring back to their original region and cant download free stickers even through go to download page, all the LINE sticker hacks not working anymore after Naver having bugs fixes.
Recently the trick of getting free Naver LINE sticker is using VPN (virtual private network) or proxy, below is the tutorial how to download free LINE sticker from Japan by using VPN Japan since LINE Japan provided lot of free stickers compare with other regions.
Download LINE Stickers With VPN
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
Then clear LINE data and force stop it running on background.Now LINE app need update to latest version. Here i would like using Android phone as example.

Go to setting > wireless & networks > VPN > add VPN network.

Turn on airplane mode then tab on saved VPN network, key in VPN username and password that applied from, tab on connect.

To use VPN on iPad, you need to configure VPN first. Here is the tip on how to setup.
Configure VPN
Tap Settings > General > Network > VPN > Add VPN Configuration. Then use the VPN settings for your device.

Now start up LINE app and login with email address after Japan VPN connected successful. Go To More > Stickers shop, tab on New or Event tab, now we can select free LINE stickers from Japan region and download it.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bagaimana mengatur VPN pada HTC A310e Explorer

Bagaimana mengatur VPN pada HTC A310e Explorer

Bagaimana mengatur VPN pada HTC A310e Explorer
Bagaimana mengatur VPN pada HTC A310e Explorer

1.Pertama anda buka "All apps" di Android kamu dan pilih "Settings".

2.klik pada "Wireless & networks"
3.Klik pada "VPN settings"
4.klik pada "Add PPTP VPN".

5.klik "Add VPN".
6. Sekarang masukkan "vpntraffic" sebagai "nama VPN". Lalu masukkan alamat server VPN sebagai "Set VPN server" dan memungkinkan "Aktifkan enkripsi". Simpan pengaturan dengan menekan tombol "Menu" (tombol Hardware pada perangkat Anda) dan klik "Simpan"
7. Pengaturan VPN Anda sekarang sudah siap. Klik pada Anda baru koneksi VPN "".
8. Masukkan VPNtraffic rincian Akun - akun vpn Anda sebagai nama pengguna dan Sandi.
9. setelah itu klik connect.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Installation du VPN sur RIM BlackBerry Bold 9780

Installation du VPN sur RIM BlackBerry Bold 9780

Installation du VPN sur RIM BlackBerry Bold 9780
Installation du VPN sur RIM BlackBerry Bold 9780

Le VPN vpntraffic est compatible sur BlackBerry 10 et autres versions supportant le protocole Cisco IPsec avec authentification Xauth PSK.

Cette procdure a t ralise sous BlackBerry 10, elle est quasi identique sur les autres versions de BB. Suivez notre tutoriel pour configurer votre VPN.

Etape 1
Accdez aux "Paramtres systme" de votre appareil.
Puis ouvrez le menu "Connexions rseau".

Etape 2
Parmi les connexions proposes, slectionnez le service "VPN".

Etape 3
Dans les paramtres VPN, lancez lajout dun nouveau profil.

Etape 4
Remplissez les champs comme indiqu :

Nom de profil : libre (mettez le nom que vous souhaitez)
Type de passerelle : Cisco Secure PIX Firewall VPN
Type dauthentification : XAUTH-PSK
Nom de groupe :ipsec
Mot de passe groupe :ipsec
Nom dutilisateur : lidentifiant de votre VPN (fourni par vpntraffic)
Mot de passe : le mot de passe associ (fourni par vpntraffic)

Toutes les informations didentification vous ont t fournies par vpntraffic, dans le-mail envoy lactivation du VPN.

Etape 5
Validez pour revenir sur la page des paramtres VPN, avec la connexion prte tre active.
Slectionnez-la pour vous connecter au VPN vpntraffic.

Etape 6
Vous tes maintenant connect au travers du VPN.
Slectionnez-le nouveau pour vous en dconnecter.
What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, March 12, 2015

og VPN er av alle praktiske formål lovlig

og VPN er av alle praktiske formål lovlig

og VPN er av alle praktiske formål lovlig
Netflix har forskjellig innhold avhengig av hvor du er i verden, s tilbyder bryter ingen rett, og VPN er av alle praktiske forml lovlig. De liker det garantert ikke, men loven er en gang snn. Pr i dag er det fritt frem (i Norge ihvertfall)

Det finnes enkle mter f tak i amerikansk innhold med din norske Netflixkonto p datamaskinen, og det er ikke s vanskelig f til p ios og android heller.
Mange bruker allerede nettlesertillegget Media Hint for skaffe seg et strre utvalg av filmer og serier hos Netflix p datamaskinen. Ved hjelp av VPN er dette mulig ogs til ios og android.
Virtual private network(VPN), er betegnelsen p en datateknikk som anvendes for skape punkt-til-punkt-forbindelser, skalte tunneler, gjennom et annet datanett (som f.eks.internett). Kilde: Wikipedia
Ok, s NetFlix og HBO har det siste ret etablert seg i norden og ftt mange abonnenter p kort tid. Men innholdkatalogen i Norge er langt i fra s stor som den som tilbys p andre siden av Atlanterhavet. Abonnentene i USA har ett overveldende utvalg i forhold til det som tilbys de norske brukerene av tjenesten.
Appen lager en VPN-tunnell (Virtuel Private Network) til flere tilgjengelige land og oppretter en lokal IP-adresse for deg i det landet du mtte velge. Dermed kan du alts titte gjennom alle seriene og filmene du mtte nske tilgjengelig i USA!!! OG best av alt, den er utrolig enkel bruke. Du bare pner appen, velger USA og Connect Deretter trykker du p home knappen p telefonen og pner HBO eller NetFlix Appen. VOILA!!

VpnTraffic Unng begrensninger p internettbruk,bruk Skype,VOIP,TV-kanaler og streaming-tjenester som Hulu,Netflix og BBC iPlayer. Unng lokasjonsbaserte begrensninger. VPN-servere fra 40+ land verden rundt. Sttter pptp og l2tp/ipsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server